The Maison de l’Europe des Yvelines (MdEY) is a non-governmental, non-political organization, founded in 2001. Our mission is to promote European citizenship and to foster active participation in the decision making process on a local and European level. The MdEY promotes the process of integration and European values throughout European educational and civic programs, focusing on the issues such as European integration and intercultural dialogue, societal engagement of citizens, promotion of democratic and civic values. Our activities are addressed to all social groups, regardless of age, origin, education or profession. The MdEY has implemented a number of projects on civic education by using non formal education methods, based on the idea of learning by doing such as its “French-German-Polish Youth Parliament” which was successfully running for 10 years. Our team is composed of 3 permanent employees with highly qualified experience in project management, and about 5 unpaid volontary members of the association former employees of the National Education (Education National) in the field of European mobility in vocational training .
The MdEY is a member of the French national network FFME (Fédération Française des Maisons de l’Europe) and the European Network EUNET (European Network for education and Training).
The MdEY also is an EVS sending organisation and hosts the European Information Center Europe Direct. On the local level the MdEY obtained the lable of a “Youth and Popular Education” organization (Jeunesse et Education populaire) as well as the label from the French “Education National” (Ministery of Education) as an educational association. Since 2013 the MdEY is also recognized as a training organization.
Since 2008 the MdEY is successfully running an ERASMUS+ programme (formerly Leonardo) called “Mouv’in Europe” for young people with less opportunities from the regional “Missions locales” who are partners in this project.
Since 2008 the MdEY was the coordinator of several European projects such as “L’Europe vu depuis les Yvelines” (financed by the representation of the European Commission in France after the French “NO” to the constitution) , “20 ans après la chute du mur, l’Europe et ses frontières” (Europe for citizens Programme), a two years’ Grundtvig programme “Back to the roots, back to our origins, Europe for everybody” which was awarded a citizenship prize from the European Commission. The MdEY has also been a partner in the Salzburger Bildungswerk’s project “Mehrwert Europa – Mehrwert Frieden” and the “Youth for employment” project from the “katholisches Jugendsozialwerk Landshut, Germany” (Youth in Action Programme). The MdEY is currently coordinating a two-years project called “CitiPart – cities’ partnership against racism and populism to defend the European values of Solidarity, Tolerance and Peace” (Europe for Citizens Programme).
Thanks to the French and European networks the MdEY cooperates with many NGOs. It also works with public institutions, on the local, national and international level. On a local basis the MdEY works with schools and youth organizations, and organizes debates on current European subjects.