Steps for implementation, what is needed, where do we get support, money, who can help, etc.
This is about making a plan with various chapters, so you don’t forget anything, like: defining roles, who does what, when, set a time limit, etc. For this you can use a tool, an advisor or an agency.
Things to keep in mind:
- It starts in the mind, but you also need input from others.
- Have a brainstorm & group the proposals.
- Do a benchmark to identify the needs.
- Look for more or less similar examples to find out the do’s & don’ts.
- Use an available tool.
- Who has to be involved and at what time.
- Define the different roles.
- Set a time limit.
- Think about communication at every step.
- Maybe use an agency or an advisor to write the plan.
- Use the perspective of someone new for new ideas.
- Always keep in mind who the plan is written for.