Name of the project / activity:

Arbetskooperativet Fixarna från Hambrunge ekonomisk förening (work-integrated social cooperative)

Origin of the project / activity (country, town, etc.):

Sverige, Hamrånge, Gävle kommun

Please try to define max. three catchwords that describe your project / activity:

A group of people who together created own and new jobs by forming a wor-integregrated social company.

Specific target group? For whom is the project / activity designed:

Long-term unemployed or other people far from the labor market.

What is the project about? Short but precise description of the local project / activity:

The work-integrated cooperative Fixarna from Hambrunge offer tailor-made household services based on the customer’s needs. They also run a convenience store and a retro cafe in 50/60 century style. The cooperative is owned by the staff / members themselves with an appointed board that works entirely on a non-profit basis and is responsible for personnel, work environment and finances. The cooperative Fixarna has a positive impact on its settlement by offering jobs and local service to the residents. Some fifty people have received employment and a new future belief in an area where there have previously been large industrial deposits. Fixarna started as a project and have now become a successful regular business as a model to be inspired by

Is there anything that needs to be considered if the project / activity is to be copied to another rural area (good practice experience, things that went wrong, etc.):

Social companies and cooperatives are an excellent solution for people far from the labor market in all countries, but are based on and work best when non-profit, public and public authorities work together.

Are there more sources available for additional information (website, e-mail-contact, etc.)?:

E-post: Hemsida: