Name of the project / activity:
Trönöbygden ekonomisk förening, (cooperative)
Origin of the project / activity (country, town, etc.):
Trönö, Söderhamn municipality, Sverige
Please try to define max. three catchwords that describe your project / activity:
Many of the inbabitations in Trönö are actively involved in developing their local area. And they do it jointly togehter! There is a great pride in their common.
Specific target group? For whom is the project / activity designed:
Most of the residents are affected by the various activities services. Other activities also attracts visitors from outside, as the local country store.
What is the project about? Short but precise description of the local project / activity:
About 800 inhabitants live in Trönö in Hälsingland Sweden today. Many people here with their roots have been back here for many generations, but new immigrants also live here. Typical for the tree-lion residents is that they grab and develop their countryside themselves. And that they do it together! Here people want their countryside continue to flourish and they are proud of everything they have in common. For example, their own fire protection! Trönö Brandvärn was founded in 2001, as the municipality of Söderhamn laid down the municipal part-time corridor in Trönö. The business is governed by an extinguishing agreement with the Municipal Association of Hälsingland and is financed by non-profit work, membership fees and remuneration for performed rescue missions. Another example is the solar cell plant on the roof of the country store, which provides electricity to the store. It was realized together that it would simplify economically for the country trader in Trönö.Trönöbygden financial association is responsible for the operation of the fire protection. They own the properties Bystugan, the fire station, the country retail property and a small dairy for rent to producers. In Bystugan there are offices, libraries, overnight rooms and weaving houses. They publish a rural site, produce Trönagman’s apple juice and administer the Trönö settlement account for local microfinance and solar plant with cooperative ownership.
Is there anything that needs to be considered if the project / activity is to be copied to another rural area (good practice experience, things that went wrong, etc.):
The many years of work give results, of course there are setbacks and setbacks along the way. But overall, here is a strong entrepreneurial spirit and a commitment that strengthens and inspires. Some 70 small businesses in different industries and several active associations and genuine enthusiasts who make Trönö a place that is not standing still.
Are there more sources available for additional information (website, e-mail-contact, etc.)?: