Name of the project / activity:
Stop! Not in the waste container!
Origin of the project / activity (country, town, etc.):
Province of Fryslân, the Netherlands
Please try to define max. three catchwords that describe your project / activity:
less waste, community, environment
Specific target group? For whom is the project / activity designed:
A village or neighbourhood that wants to work on the environment.
What is the project about? Short but precise description of the local project / activity:
Research shows that about half of our household residual waste contains waste that could have been recycled, if separated. Most of the incorrectly disposed waste exists of organic waste and paper. But also textiles, packaging glass, electrical devices and small toxic waste can not be separated from the non organic waste afterwards. This means everything is burned in the incinerator. This is a waste of raw materials and money! Villages or neighbourhoods that join the campaign take the challenge to no longer put these six types of waste in the non organic container. By better separating, the goal is to get 25% less waste in the non organic waste container.
Is there anything that needs to be considered if the project / activity is to be copied to another rural area (good practice experience, things that went wrong, etc.):
The campaign works on awareness and behavioural change. But also togetherness: “You will join as well, won’t you?”
Are there more sources available for additional information (website, e-mail-contact, etc.)?:
There is a website (in Dutch): For further information you can also contact mrs. Luci Gelderblom: