Name of the project / activity:
Energy house
Origin of the project / activity (country, town, etc.):
Province of Fryslân, the Netherlands
Please try to define max. three catchwords that describe your project / activity:
community centres, sustainability, cooperation
Specific target group? For whom is the project / activity designed:
For the boards of community centres
What is the project about? Short but precise description of the local project / activity:
The target of the project is to easen the exploitation of community centres by taking sustainability to the next level. When energy costs are reduced, the exploitation becomes easier, which leads to futureproof community centres. The project is executed by a cluster of community centres so the buying of materials & knowledge becomes cheaper. For each centre a sustainability check is executed, which is the basis of measures to improve sustainability. Also, by working closely together, the centres learn from each other and stimulate each other.
Is there anything that needs to be considered if the project / activity is to be copied to another rural area (good practice experience, things that went wrong, etc.):
Often a municipality or external partner takes the lead to bring the community centres together.
Are there more sources available for additional information (website, e-mail-contact, etc.)?:
More information is available through the Frisia organization for village support: Stichting Doarpswurk or mr. Titus Sijmonsma: