What is really matching my local community, what are specific needs specific for my village that need to be considered etc.
Starting point: picturing a concrete problem (like the closure of the local small shop/school, etc.). From that a ‘step by step’ methodology was figured out to help inhabitants to find solutions (regardless of the problem encountered).
- A problem arises in a rural community and a citizen/ a group of citizens realizes it
- First question: is it a problem just for me / for the entire community
- Ask the people what they think about this problem: flyers, local meetings, etc.
- If there is actually a problem, both sides have to be taken into consideration: the practical side / the emotional side. The practical side represents basically the first and immediate effects of the problem on the community. On the other hand the emotional impact and its effects on the local population have to be taken into consideration.
Search for solutions:
- What kind of tools/capacities/skills/network do participants have?
- When more tools/contacts/levers are needed: who can be asked?
- How can another solution be figured out, if the precise problem can’t be solved easily?