Schlagwort: Germany

Local activities – newly developed citizens groups creates content

After the first international meeting in France the newly established citizens group in Bad Marienberg enhanced its activites. But instead of just setting up the agenda we realized “citizens interviews” to recheck if we are in line with what local citizens really want and care about. Thus each and everyone of us consulted friends, family, relatives, colleagues and so on to ask specific questions about the needs of local citizens in our rural area.

With this results, that were developed in recent weeks we continue in August with our next local meeting where we will focus more on the content after having collected all the content beforehand.

More in August when we will proceed with our local activities….

Local working group in Germany

After the kick-off meeting and the set-up of the “International future workshop” as local citizens group, this  group started with working on content and set up a working plan and strategy for the coming months.

The group started with identifying the needs and the challenges of the rural area in Bad Marienberg and around. The aim was to collect a catalogue of challenges that need to be faced and worked on.  In addition we also concentrated on the good things that do work in  our communities and that are worth sharing with others. The last part was to create a concrete structure for the project group and how we are going to work in the upcoming future. It was a great kick-off and the results will be developed and included with the experiences from the first transnational meeting due in almost three weeks.

The project group is also going to increase networking with more local stakeholders and is going to produce a flyer for better PR of the project in the local community.


First working meeting with new local citizens group

After the introducing kick-off meeting the new established local citizens group “International future workshop” will meet for its first working meeting. Identifying what are the challenges and and good practices in the rural area of Bad Marienberg is the main focus as well as setting up the concrete work modus of this group.

The local citizens groups wants to kick-off by starting to work on, exchange and develop (new) ideas for active citizenship in rural areas and development of the home region. This is also the basis for the international exchange that starts with the first transnational meeting in March 2018.

The invitation and the promotion of the Strategic Partnership is promoted via the official gazette of the local community “Verbandsgemeinde Bad Marienberg” reaching out to 20.000 local citizens.

Local kick-off in Germany

In Germany “READ IT” is integrated in the campaign “Ich bin dabei”. In this framework we had a local kick-off meeting in the “Verbandsgemeinde Bad Marienberg” – the local authority of 20.000 inhabitants in the rural area of the Westerwald. Aim was to attract local people for the “READ IT” project and set up a local working group for the strategic partnership. Some excused before because of illness or other appointments but 15 local citizens attend the kick-off meeting including some local mayors. The result: People got interested and are eager to go on working in this project – a very good start for the local project group that started from scratch.

The next meeting is already planned for February to start with content and future plannings.

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