Kategorie: General (Seite 2 von 2)

Getting attention – Sweden promotes Strategic Partnership @ Europeday

A public activity in Sweden for the promotion of our project  on the 8th of May.
We ”occupied” the hall of the municipal hall in the community of Ljusdal, up north in the county, to give information of our project and about our Europe House. We met around 75 intrested people during 2 hours. In the photos is Hasse and a representiv, Lena Husen, from ”All o Sweden shall live”. We had meetings and contact with people who will be engaged in the meeting in Sweden. Very productive.

The next big step… video conferencing

The strategic partnership continues its work. After the kick-off and many local activities to get the basics for the work in the partnership “READ IT” held its first big interim video conference to inform about the development in the different countries and to check the latest preparations for the first transnational meeting in France in March 2018.

The results look very promising. Local citizens could be involved in the project and networks are established. The French partner was very busy with setting up the programme and agenda for the transnational meeting in Paris. Now, the partnership is step by step filled with live and after all the formal preparations we can really start with work on content, rural areas and active citizens – great.

Erasmus+ Strategic Parternership “READ IT” – Kick-off

It has started already officially back at September 01st 2017 – the Strategic Partnership “Rural European Association Development Innovation Team. READ IT – Active citizens in rural areas”.  As usual after our application was approved by the German National Agency for ERASMUS+ “NA BIBB – Bildung für Europa” we had to start with many formal things and get accquainted to the dimension of European projects and how they are implemented – many partners do such a Strategic Partnership for the very first time. Hell of a work but exciting and interesting. Weiterlesen

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